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Visitors 730
Modified 17-May-07
Created 15-May-07
268 photos

Waiting at the London Heathrow AirportWaiting at the London Heathrow AirportWaiting at the London Heathrow AirportWaiting at the London Heathrow AirportWaiting at the London Heathrow AirportWaiting at the London Heathrow AirportWaiting at the London Heathrow AirportBanff National ParkBanff Springs HotelBanff Springs HotelBanff National ParkLake Luise, Banff National ParkLake Luise, Banff National ParkLake Luise, Banff National ParkLake Luise, Banff National ParkLake Luise, Banff National ParkLake Luise, Banff National ParkLake Luise, Banff National ParkBanff National ParkBanff National Park

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